Together for
the best future

The benefits of employing W&F temporary workers.

Good craftsmen are rare these days. Skilled people who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves cannot be found on every street corner. Adopting migrant workers can be a solution for shortages. Motivated workers who come to the Netherlands with a purpose: To work.

Samenwerken met W&F betekent dat je volledig wordt ontzorgd:

Selectie van de juiste kandidaat

Partnerschap met focus op langdurige samenwerking

Begeleiding van A-Z

Vervoer en SNF-gecertificeerde huisvesting

Deskundigheid in CAO’s, wet- en regelgeving

Scherp tarief

Motivated staff

Bij W&F staat het welzijn en tevredenheid van onze uitzendkrachten (met stipt) op nummer één. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat tevreden personeel dat lekker in zijn vel zit optimaal werk levert. Personeel waar je op kunt bouwen dus! W&F beschikt over ruime ervaring in de flexbranche, de wetgeving omtrent het inhuren van buitenlands personeel en de diverse CAO’s van de branches waarin we detacheren. We streven ernaar om de personeelsafdeling te ontzorgen en zijn graag sparringpartner in diverse flexvraagstukken.

Win-win situation

W&F has been actively working in the temporary employment industry for over 10 years. We work according to ABU standards, the Algemene Bond voor Uitzendorganisaties. We also have the NEN-4400 certification. This not only assures you of quality personnel for your industry, but also that everything is properly regulated. Would you like to know more about the benefits of hiring migrant workers? Or do you have a (flex)issue for which you cannot find the right answer yourself? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to explain the benefits for your company and what W&F Detacheringen can do for you!

Come and drink a cup of coffee With us

Do you have a question or want more information about our services? We would love to invite you for a cup of coffee to get acquainted and discuss the possibilities. Please fill out the form and we will contact you soon!

Our data

Loo 14
5571 KR, Bergeijk
